Tag: #mining

Avabrum Magazine reports the Criminal Tragedy of the century

The collapse of the Mina Córrego do Feijão dam, in Brumadinho, the greatest labor tragedy in the history of Brazil, its reasons and repercussions: all detailed in this publication by the association that represents the families of the 272 fatal victims. Access the QR Code to read the AVABRUM Magazine 2022: Or click here.

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International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction: What about the social cost of tailings management?

The United Nations General Assembly has designated October 13th as the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction to promote a global culture of disaster risk reduction. It was established in 1989, after a call for a day to promote a global culture of risk-awareness and disaster reduction. Since then, the date celebrates how people and […]

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On the world day for the environment, Brazil struggles with mining issues

If on one hand, the way the government deals with the mining industry is full of shady nuances, on the other there’s been some relevant movimentation by other sectors of society in search for justice.

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