Family members of victims and those affected by the breach of the dam become more revolted, ill and eager for justice, each year that it is not carried out for the tragedy that seems to have doomed the city to endless pain. Nevertheless, the association which represents them, an NGO named AVABRUM, keeps on its […]
Contrary to the victims’ families’ claims, the Brazilian Supreme Federal Court (STF) has decided that Vale and Tuv Sud should be judged at the federal level, and not in the state of Minas Gerais, where the tragedy occurred. The Brazilian Supreme Court (STF) defined, last December 17, that the Federal Court will be responsible for the […]
Dia 7 vai ter concerto com Marcus Viana, autor da trilha do Pantanal, e debate com Padre Júlio, Marina Siva e Daniela Arbex
Leia +São Paulo é o líder, com 35% das ocorrências, seguido por Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná, Santa Catarina e Rio de Janeiro.
Leia +O rompimento da barragem que matou 272 pessoas em 2019, é considerado o maior Acidente de Trabalho do Brasil
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