Safe environments benefit society as a whole
The loss of life or incapacity for citizens to work has an enormous social cost. The resulting expenses (such as removal, health care, downtime, compensation, rehiring and requalification) are transferred to society as a whole, whether in the consumption relationship or through taxes and insurance paid.
Source: National Campaign for the Prevention of Occupational Accidents (Canpat) – 2021
The loss of life or incapacity for citizens to work has an enormous social cost. The resulting expenses (such as removal, health care, downtime, compensation, rehiring and requalification) are transferred to society as a whole, whether in the consumption relationship or through taxes and insurance paid.
Source: National Campaign for the Prevention of Occupational Accidents (Canpat) – 2021
Dia 7 vai ter concerto com Marcus Viana, autor da trilha do Pantanal, e debate com Padre Júlio, Marina Siva e Daniela Arbex
Leia +São Paulo é o líder, com 35% das ocorrências, seguido por Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná, Santa Catarina e Rio de Janeiro.
Leia +O rompimento da barragem que matou 272 pessoas em 2019, é considerado o maior Acidente de Trabalho do Brasil
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